Year of Jewelry- Week 8- Ram, Lamb, Ewe
Um, yeah...
don't do lambs, but i love them, so cute and cuddly. My brother, the
rancher used to raise cattle, but also sheep... I know, usually people
that have cattle abhor people that have sheep... I guess it goes back to
the grazing and over grazing back in the old days. Now, they are pretty
compatible? I don't know, but his father-in-law was already in the
business, and my brother kind of eased into it. There's nothing like the
smell of a baby lamb... but I don't do lambs...
OK, I just didn’t get this weeks Year of Jewelry entry. I
don’t necessarily like sheep. OK , I
admit I do like lambs, and I do get excited over wool… especially when it is
sheering season and there is an abundance of raw wool in the area… it is nice
to even glean the wool from fences, brush, and what is caught in the stalls
when they are sheering… but… just sheep doesn’t get me excited to even think of
So, it would be wool or, well, nothing.
This is one of those challenges that I don’t really get
excited about! I suppose I should, but when I do wool, it is a sweater, a sock,
or well… sometimes a felted purse. Aha! A felted piece?
Yes, I can do that. I
can do felted work, I had some black felted wool, and I happen to have some pretty wool that I dyed myself,
to use in something way different I also used some shapes that I bought, felted them to the background,added some beads, sequins and a woven beaded 'chain' and …
Well, here you go, TADAAAAA!